Sunday, January 02, 2011

No Resolutions this Year

I've neglected this blog for a while now, but I think have a decent excuse. Jack and I are expecting our first child in mid-March. It's an exciting event that has caused us to make some changes around the house and get our lives a little more organized. Fatigue resulted in less cooking on my part, but I am lucky to have a wonderful husband who has picked up the slack.

Below, you will find one recipe I managed to make this past year...

Jack's cousin Debbi and her boyfriend Todd put a lot of work into hosting Thanksgiving.

I brought out Cranberry Juleps after dessert and enjoyed watching people "relax" as they were consumed.

Christmas Cranberry Juleps

from Good Housekeeping

  • 1 cup(s) water
  • 3/4 cup(s) sugar
  • 2 strip(s) (each 3 inches long) fresh orange peel, removed with vegetable peeler
  • 1 cup(s) fresh cranberries, plus additional for garnish
  • 1 cup(s) Kentucky bourbon
  • 8 sprig(s) fresh mint


  1. In 2-quart saucepan, heat water, sugar, and orange peel to boiling on high. Add cranberries and cook 2 to 3 minutes or until cranberries pop and split but still hold their shape. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Refrigerate until cold. (Syrup and cranberries can be refrigerated up to one week.)
  2. When ready to serve, strain cranberry syrup through sieve set over 1-quart liquid measure; discard solids. Spear 3 raw cranberries on each of 8 toothpicks. Stir bourbon into syrup.
  3. Fill 8 glasses with crushed ice. Divide bourbon mixture among glasses. Garnish with cranberry spears and mint.

I don't have any pictures of the juleps, but rest assured they looked fancy with the fresh mint sprig. I was told that they were delicious and they are easy to make. Don't let their Christmas theme prevent you from making them this winter.

Here is a picture of our little boy who should be arriving this March.

Happy 2011 everyone!