Friday, September 29, 2006

Choosing a Recipe

I've given in and started a blog. I hesitated because I feared that it would turn into a egocentric mess, a beast beyond my control. Too many stories about my wonderful dog, random thoughts taken too seriously and boring complaints. In her book Julie and Julia, Julie Powell had a mighty, mighty goal that resulted in a blog with a purpose. Purpose is the trick. Not only had I discovered this trick, the purpose of Julie's blog was food! I love to cook and try new food. I never plan to be an expert in either, just constantly learning. That's the long term. The short term will be filled with culinary goals and adventures that I plan to write about along the way. It is certain that I will be sneaking in a quip about my dog, my test subject/husband, and garden from time to time. I reserve the right to digress a bit. I must also reserve the right to use fragments and misuse commas, parentheses, grammar in general really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!...We are really looking forward to your writings!! And trying some of the food ideas. Also looking forward to the inside info on Jack and of course, Annabelle! xox M